Joe Biden will not pick Liz Warren as his running mate

Author Don Rice Jr.
4 min readMar 26, 2020

Those who follow my diatribes know I have issues with Liz Warren, and I’m glad she has suspended her campaign. But she does have one point that would make her a good VP pick. Or a potential nominee for Secretary of the Treasury.

Economics is that point. To give the Devil his due, Warren is great with the numbers. The way she forced Obama on the Consumer Financial Protection Board was a sight to behold. Pure genius, imho.

Ditto her taking corporate CEO’s to task in public hearings. But even there she dropped the ball. Granted that she clearly and succinctly laid out their errors and illegal actions and quite often told them to their faces that they should be fired. But she rarely, if ever, even suggested that they should also be prosecuted, as lawyers are wont to say, “to the fullest extent of the law”.

She also made a couple grave strategic errors in her recently suspended campaign for President that speak volumes about her chances in that regard.

Backing off of Medicare For All and proposing a watered-down, two-part version banking on adding the universal aspect after midterms damaged her with progressives and independents alike. It’s not workable anyway, given the nature of national politics that nearly always sees a change in Congressional leadership in midterm elections.

Even if Democrats win the Senate and keep the House this year, Republicans will likely win at least one of those chambers back in 2022, unless a bold progresive agenda is pursued and won. And even then, it has to be done openly, without a bunch of back room deal making, or the public won’t accept it, and will continue to revolt come the 2022 midterms elections.

Another item: In 2002, during an interview with Bill Moyers, Warren laid out in clear and simple terms the corrupting influence of big money in politics. She used then-Senator Hillary Clinton as her example:

Yet when she became a Senator herself, Warren took big money for her own campaigns, even knowing the corrupting influence, and still wants to have that money. From the New York Times:

How Elizabeth Warren Raised Big Money Before She Denounced Big Money

Ms. Warren wooed wealthy donors for years, stockpiling money from fund-raisers, and has used $10.4 million from her 2018 Senate race to underwrite her 2020 bid.

Then there are her attacks on Sanders. I mean, let’s get real here for a minute. She claimed that Bernie told her privately that a woman can’t win the White House. Yet he is on record, and in videos, many times and for many years, decades, saying the exact opposite. He even told school children that girls have every right to be President, and mounted a popular campaign to get her to run for that office in 2016.

There are innumerable videos absolutely proving the point, far too many to post here. Let those two suffice for the time being.

The truth is that Sanders is so strong on women’s empowerment that during a campaign for re-election to Congress, at the start of which a coordinator for the National Organization for Women (NOW) declared that he has a 100% record on women’s rights, none other than Gloria Steinem, the dean of the women’s liberation movement, declare Sanders an “honorary woman”:

Sanders only entered that race himself after she made it clear that she was not interested. Warren chose not to endorse anyone until the last minute, at which point she endorsed Clinton. This made no sense, since she was clearly seen as being ideologically much closer to him than to Clinton on policy issues. Her endorsement would have given Sanders a much-needed boost when it counted most.

Then it turned out that Warren had signed a secret letter agreeing to back Clinton, before the 2016 primaries had even begun. ABC News even reported on it as early as 2013, but it got very little coverage, and so people (including Sanders, apparently) were unaware of it.

The reason for the letter, signed by number of female Senators, was to promote a female candidate for the Presidency.

A worthy cause, to be sure. A woman as President of the United States would not only break that particular glass ceiling; it would shatter it and many others in the process. We need it. But Hillary Clinton? A war hawk, a deficit hawk, a Big Business sycophant who made millions giving speeches to Wall Street executives?

It’s unlikely that Biden will choose her for VP anyway, since she has often taken Wall Street and corporate CEO’s to task in public hearings. Biden, like Hillary, has been and still is very corporate friendly at the expense of We the People.

There are more reasons why Warren will not be Biden’s VP pick. Some of these are laid out by Krystal Ball in this video from The Hill’s video channel, “Rising”:

None of this will get her on the ticket or Biden into the White House. Quite the opposite, it will keep them out, simply because the people want that fundamental change that Biden said will not happen with him in the Oval Office.

Obama promised change and failed to deliver. Trump promised change and lied. Warren promised change and waffled, which is why she lost support in the current primaries and had to suspend her campaign. And Biden promised the CEO’s no change.

So there you have it. Biden will not ask Warren to be his running mate. And barring a major alteration in the political landscape, he will not be able to beat Trump.

Only Bernard Sanders even stands a chance.

©3–25–2020 by Don Rice Jr.

